Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Two Homes, One Year

There's always a bittersweet kind of thing, but I feel like everything had to work out the way it is. Everything that had to happen, happened. - Mars

First Home May 2010

Home after flood April 2011

Second Home November 2011

A few years ago I met this awesome couple Stephen and Kira. They were dating for several years at the time and had so many dreams ahead for their first home. We found the house they would make home in no time, they knew the moment they walked in it they would start their lives in it together. It was a cute older home that had been remodeled and all they had to do is move in. Then the flood came a year into owning this home, placing 6 feet of water on their main floor. But they did not give up, I remember going to meet them at the house over the summer as the heat beat down and the house smelled of the river they stood going we dont know what to do. How can we ever fix this, but we can't give up either.

A few months later on August 27th Stephen and Kira were married, spending their honey moon staying with relatives as they still had no home. Then their FEMA trailer came, and so did frozen pipes. One day after that I got the call, we need a home. So on to their 2nd home they went and in November 2011 we found them a house, on the hill, with the most amazing view of Minot. Yet they still kept paying on their flood home unsure of what to do next.

In August 2012 Stephen and Kira called, they were still paying for this flooded home and they were ready to let go of it. Within 3 weeks the house was sold and closed. Their first home, the place they thought would be theirs for years. It was bittersweet day, but a fresh start for them. I want to thank Stephen and Kira for always being optimistic, never giving up, and congratulate them on a fresh start!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Home the place of Memories

"Either you run the day, or the day runs you..." -Rohn

Someday I will do that. Someday I will blog. That Someday has been over a year since last updated. Yet ironically I believe somedays should always be today. So here I go again! I will blog. I will share the great things happening in Minot. I will share the great things happening in my life. I will share the great things happening in Real Estate.

Since my last update Minot has recovered from a flood. We are back. We are stronger than ever. Yes we still have a ways to go. But as we drive thru the valley now we feel pride in how hard our community fought to come back. We feel pride as we drive by our family and friends houses and think we helped them get back into their home. Home the place where you belong. Home the place you go and everything feels right. Home the place you build your memories.

I recently expierenced the joy I see in so many of my clients when they purchase a home. The joy when you get to a house and by the 2nd room you realize I will make my memories here. You see I have only owned one home. My first home, I bought it when I was 23 years old and spent 8 years there. Yes during that ownership time I bought rentals and a lot. But there is something special about buying a personal home. The excitement, the fear, the waking up at 2am and wondering am I doing the right thing, the placing your furniture in your head, the visions of things you will change to make it you. These stories I tell my buyers as I have lived thru these moments with them, but to feel it for myself is such a great moment and I cant wait to share these stories with my buyers. The stories of how I drove my kids up to the house and I heard screams of joy. The stories of how the garage door broke the day I moved in. The stories of how I woke up there and realized this is home and all my memories will be made here as this is home.

Thank you to all my buyers that have let me share these memories with them as we have found your home. I seriously have the best career in the world, as I get to help you make your memories!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Are you ready to buy?

Here today, gone tomorrow. With a strong economy Minot's housing market is fast moving. There is a saying I seen in a car dealership once about the same car you looked at yesterday maybe the same one someone else looked at the day before and bought today. I in no way think buying a house is a quick decision to make, however if you have invested in a home already you know that when you find "the one" there is something different about it. It is alot like dating, you know if it is going to work out or not.

When you find "the one" in a good housing market like our's it may not be there tomorrow. To insure this does not happen it is important you get pre-approved before starting your home search. This not only will make sure you don't miss out on "the one" but will let you know what the bank has approved you to spend and to determine if you are comfortable spending this amount. Your lifestyle should not change for a mortgage so it is important you find the payment you are comfortable with.

Items needed for Preapproval:
1. 30 days of paycheck stubs
2. 2 years of W-2 forms and full tax returns
3. 3 months of bank account statements

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cold Winters

The state with the 50 below winters, snow from October- April, and no pro sports teams, is the one the rest of the country is envious of!! In North Dakota we tend to stay close to home with majority never moving out of the county they were born in and being conservative with our money. Which in return has allowed us to be known as a low crime, low unemployment rate, stable housing market state!

With farming being our bread and butter, or more so pasta and flaxseed, we are the country's number one producer of durum wheat. Then there is the oil, production is up 43% which is triple the rate from 5 years ago. So forget being the state of cold winters... we are the state of Wheat and Oil!

Why ND is where it is at:

1. Unemployement LOWEST in 50 states

2. 2010 Best Job Growth in 50 states

3. Low crime rate, 60 % lower than national average

4. Lowest credit card default - WE spend within our means!

5. Stable Housing Market!!

Known for our snow maybe blocks our path to being underwater. Nation wide 1 in 4 home owners are underwater. In North Dakota our equity is keeping us snowboarding along. So next time you visit another state and someone comments on how do you live in ND, you can proudly say why!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 Minutes or Less

What can you do in 30 minutes or less these days with traffic, I can sell a house as told in the Minot Daily News today and on the local news! I am very excited to say the house they discussed in selling in 30 minutes was my very own listing!! This Old House magazine has featured our very own charming eastwood park among the top 64 neighborhoods in the country! Between the beautiful homes from yesterdays time, to the neighborhood pulling together to hold events this is a great place to live!! No wonder it only takes 30 minutes!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First home journey's

A few years ago I assited TJ & Michelle with finding their first home. At the time the home had been a rental and let go... they transformed this home back into a charming Eastwood Park home. As the military brings them to their next destination I put their house on the market. Within hours of it going on Bobby & Heather knew it was the house for them, in fact they knew the moment they drove by it days before this would be their first home! Thank you to everyone for letting me help you!!

Final Numbes:3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, 2200 sq ft, Built in 1917.
Home Features: 2 car garage, 328 sq ft master bedroom with 2 large closets, Finished Basement
List Price: $160,000
Days to Offer: 1
DaysClosing Time: 25 Days

After helping Jarid get ready to buy his first home over the last few years, he found the right one! It may have took a while to get here... but it was all worth it!!

Final Numbes:3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, 1600 sq ft, Built in 1949.
Home Features: Updated kitchen, newer flooring and orginal hardwood, large yard
List Price: $129,500

Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Ownership Matters

In this day and age we dream of alot of things as Americans... fame, money, and home ownership. Obviously as a Realtor I think everyone should partake in home ownership. But as a member of the community and having my own family I truely believe everyone should partake in this. Yes all of us have our sisters cousins friend, or someone to that affect, who we think would not be an ideal home owner... after all they are not financially ready and they do not take care of their rental. However are we ever financially ready for everything life throws at us, and the pride one feels with ownership will change the care they take.

Owning a home is not just a place to live your life, but an investment towards your furture. The networth of a home owning family is more than $200,000 while another family that rents is about $5,000! Even in the strong housing market in Minot you are still able to increase your equity in owning a home... after all renting is just buying someone else a house!!

There Benefits of Home Ownership:
1. Higher Academic Achievement
2. More Cohesive Communities
3. Stronger Families
4. Improved Health & Safety
5. Stronger Economy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel. " -Angelou
The best part of my career is the people I get to meet. The expression on their face when they know its the house for them or the squeal you can hear down the street when I tell them their offer was accepted is such a rewarding expierence for all parties involved, especially me.
To have a client take the time to send a letter to my Broker, Scott Louser, after they have moved into their house just blows me away. I can not thank Donna enough for allowing me to assist her in finding her first home and sending this awesome letter... not sure I deserve all this but it sure made my year!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank you!!

I may have said this a time or two before, but I seriously have the best career ever! I get to make something out of nothing. I take a dream and make it reality. I get to help people make the biggest purchase of their lives. All the while this is called a career, but the real reward comes when I hand over the keys. The keys that allow them to make their house a home, or a building a business, and change their lives. I want to thank everyone who has allowed me to assist them!!

This past year was an awesome year! I met ALOT of great people!! Many of which of moved into their homes, and some who will soon be. I had a baby, my 3rd in fact, I am going to need a bigger sign in the picture at this rate! Then there was my 30th birthday, I suspect I did get a wrinkle, but I also realized 30s is where it is at! Not sure this decade is ready for me, but I am ready for it!

As a goal junkie, successful people plan their success, or at least they write a list of goals? My goal in 2010 was to volunteer, in 2011 it is to help promote awareness of how others can help!

I just REALLY want to thank everyone for all their support over the last 5 years I have been in Real Estate. I appreciate every referral and all the people have let me be part of their lives!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Old Friends

A good friend is cheaper than therapy. - Unknown
A few years back, lets not date me but it may have been in the 90's, I met Donna. Back in the days of attending Minot State Univeristy her and I were two peas in a pod. We went to school together, worked together, lived together, and met my husband together. As time went on moved on from the days of college and we let time get away.
A few months ago the house search began for Donna and her first home. We reunited and it felt like time stood still since college. After searching some interesting properties... a curvy foundation at the top of that list... we found Donna a great two story first home with a strong foundation!
Final Numbers:
3 bedrooms, 1 Office, 1 Bath, Built in 1906, 1970 sq ft
Home Features: Updated Kitchen, Dining Room, Large Deck
List Price: $124,900
Closing Time: 58 Days